Miami County Solid Waste District to host foam recycling event on June 17, 2023

TROY – The Miami County Solid Waste District is hosting their first ever foam recycling event on June 17 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Miami County Fairgrounds.

Residents and businesses in Miami County and surrounding counties are encouraged to bring acceptable No. 6 foam. The foam has a recycling symbol with a number six in the middle. According to the flyer, acceptable items include clean white foam, furniture and appliance packaging foam, and block form foam.

“Epsilyte, who will accept the foam, requests any tape, stickers, and paper be removed,” stated in the press release.

Foam items that will not be accepted include foam cups, bowls, and plates, packing peanuts, take-out containers, egg crate packaging, stretched foam, insulation panels, flexible foam, meat trays, pool noodles or egg cartons.

The foam recycling event is free.

“The Miami County Solid Waste District is always exploring ways to divert materials from the landfill. This is the first time we have considered trying an event with Foam and saw this as an opportunity to both collect Foam from the waste stream and gauge participation for future ideas,” said Brad Petry, Miami County Solid Waste coordinator.

Petry continued, “The Miami County Solid Waste District is pleased to be able to provide this service.”

“[We] would like to fill a semi-trailer!” said Petry.

If businesses need to recycle a large volume of foam recycling, contact the Solid Waste District for more discussion.