Federal Funding to Expand Plastic Recycling in Lexington

SEATTLE (Recycling Monster): Lexington’s Mayor Linda Gorton hoped that a $1.8 million federal grant will provide significant expansion to plastic recycling by expanding the list of acceptable materials. The grant money will also enable major upgrades at the Recycle Center, aimed at boosting the processing capacity.


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According to Lexington Environmental Quality and Public Works, plastic recycling will now include #5 plastics, in addition to numbers one and two. This will add items such as yoghurt containers and sour cream containers to the accepted list of items. Out of the $1.8 million, $700,000 will be utilized towards upkeeping of heavy traffic pavement and also to address water runoff and fencing issues. The rest of the grant money will be used for major equipment upgrades, including installation of optical sorters and robotics technology to ensure high-quality sorting.

Angela Poe, Program Manager for Public Information and Engagement at Lexington County urged residents to prefer products in aluminum can over glass, obviously due to the fact that they are much better recyclable material than glass. The Lexington’s recycling program currently accepts all materials with a recycling symbol on them, Poe added.
