Report Finds 21% Residential Recycling Rate in the U.S.

SEATTLE (Recycling Monster): The most recent report published by The Recycling Partnership indicates that only 21% of the residential recyclables are captured for recycling in the U.S. The report attributes the low rate, mainly to lack of access to recycling service and insufficient communication.

According to the report, the residential recycling rates of five states- Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana and Nebraska are below 10%. Only four states- California, Connecticut, New York and Oregon were found to have residential recycling rates above 30%. The implementation of EPR policies would raise the recycling rates in these states to over 60%. It must be noted that California, Colorado, Maine, and Oregon have already started implementing EPR.


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One of the key findings of the report is that every material is under-recycled in the country. Nearly 76% of recyclables are lost to trash in homes. 73% of all U.S. households have recycling access. Only 43% of the households participate in recycling. In addition, among those who participate do not recycle to their full potential.

The report recommends that flawless implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policies coupled with proactive industry investment could play a major role in closing the gap.
