Phenix City recycling Centers are no longer accepting plastic

PHENIX CITY, Ala. (WRBL) - Phenix City has two recycling centers. The recycling centers accept steel cans, newspapers, cardboard but on the plastic compartment there's a seal over it. Kimberly Hoskins says not having plastic available anywhere to be recycled is a serious issue.

"The fact that there's no place to even take that to in Phenix City... I mean this is a pretty big town with a lot of people, a lot of residents and a lot plastic. I think that there should definitely be a way to recycle some of that," Hoskins said. 

Hoskins says right now she is finding creative ways to reuse her plastic, but sometimes it ends up in the trash. She says it would be more convient if the city would look into curbside recycling and not just having recycling centers. 

"It's not convenient and there's no local recycling. I hate that because it takes up a lot of room in the trash can and I just feel like that's something that could be easily melted down and reused again. There's just so many places out there that are doing that it's a shame my trash can't be a part of it," Hoskins said.

The city notified residents that they will no longer be able to accept plastic because their vendor, All American Recycling, could not find anyone to purchase the plastic. Assistant City Manager, Stephen Smith, says while they are looking for new vendors residents have to deposit plastic in their household garbage bins.Smith also says curbside parking is not something they are considering.

"Picking up at curbside is not particularly environmentally friendly by the time you look at the gas and the emmissions of the vehicles, driving around the city and shipping it,"Smith said.

Smith says when the city did curbside pick up only 11 percent of the city participated and that it was not economically feasible to continue. With that being said, Smith says he would like to encourage residents to voluntarily use the recycling centers.

Phenix City has contacted Pratt Industries to pick up plastic from the recycling centers but Smith says they are unsure of when plastic will be accepted again.

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