WM Slate Belt Recycling Facility to Feature Latest Technology

SEATTLE (Recycling Monster): WM announced plans to build a new recycling facility in Slate Belt, Plainfield Township. As per plans, the proposed facility is expected to become operational by early-2025.


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The facility will be located in the land owned by WM nearby existing Grand Central Landfill. The 92,000 square foot Grand Central Recycling Center will be constructed on a 23-acre land. It will be built at an investment of approximately $42 million and will be capable of recycling various materials including paper, plastics, metals and glass. The new facility will create as many as 30 new jobs.

According to Jim VanWoert, Director of Recycling for Greater Mid-Atlantic Area, WM, the new recycling facility will feature state-of-the-art recycling technologies, capable of recycling wide range of plastics. The latest technology will result in processing of greater volumes of materials, thus producing higher-quality materials.

The use of optical sorters and artificial intelligence will boost the efficiency by at least ten times. It comprises of a final optical sort line which gives a second chance for recycling missed recyclable materials.

The facility will also feature a 4,000-square foot Sustainability Education Center, which will be open to public meetings.