BARC Announced Recycling Statistics for 2022

SEATTLE (Recycling Monster): Leading non-profit organization, the Bay Area Recycling for Community (BARC), shared a report on its efforts to divert valuable materials from landfills. The BARC statistics reflect the local efforts undertaken by recycling programs to keep waste out of the garbage.


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As per data, BARC collected and recycled 17,950 pounds of film plastics during 2022. It must be noted that most curbside recycling programs don’t accept plastic bags or other types of film plastics. During the previous year, BARC had introduced a new film plastics recycling program, whereby customers are allowed to drop off plastic bags and other film plastics at locations at participating retail stores, Meijer, Wal-Mart, and Target.

Also, it diverted 146,320 pounds of marine film plastic from landfills last year. In addition, 196,338 pounds of electronic waste were kept out of landfills by BARC in 2022. The presence of harmful chemical contents like lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium poses risks to recycling. They also create serious health hazards. The programs by BARC aims to repurpose electronics wherever possible.

The recycling achievements by BARC also includes 8,129 batteries, 2,187 lightbulbs, 751,100 pounds of corrugated cardboard and 10,000 mattresses and box springs.

The strong recycling figures by BARC are a reflection of the growth in recycling activity across the state of Michigan.