Ag Scrap Tire Recycling Events Recycled Over 2,000 Tons of Tires

SEATTLE (Recycling Monster): The Ag Scrap Tire recycling events, held in partnership with the Maryland Farm Bureau (MDFB), the Maryland Department of the Environment, and Maryland Environmental Services have registered huge success this year. The events recorded a new milestone by recycling a total of 2,001.60 tons of end-of-life tires, which otherwise would have ended in landfills.

The program offers free of charge collection sites where farmers could get rid of their unwanted tires, thus preventing them from being stockpiled in their properties. Abandoned tires often serve as breeding ground for mosquitoes and other pests.


Howard County to Host Free Tire Reycling Event 

Montgomery County Announced Scrap Tire Disposal and Collection Event

This year’s tire recycling events saw participation from as many as 16 Maryland counties. The participation rate of counties almost doubled when compared with the previous year. The significant jump in participation rate implies that the program was able to reach farmers in more parts of the state.

Commenting on the success of the program, Parker Welch, Executive Director of MDFB noted that it demonstrates effective collaboration between farmers and government agencies in delivering significant environmental benefits. He also appreciated the efforts of state agencies in helping the program reach the milestone of 2,000 scrap tires recycled.
