Wayne Township Announced New Recycling Contract

SEATTLE (Recycling Monster): Wayne Township announced new recycling contract with Get-A-Can Inc., an affiliate of Paterson-based Gaeta Recycling Co., which will come into effect this July.

The new contract will deliver significant cost savings to the township. Initially, it is expected to deliver save more than 6% monthly savings on the cost of recyclables collection. Although the new contract is likely to bring changes to the curbside pickup schedule, there will not be much difference in the level of service.


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As per the existing contract, commingled glass, metal, plastic, cardboard and paper are collected on the same day every other week. Under the new contract, commingled items and paper items will be picked up only on alternate weeks. Also, the number of collection zones will be reduced from 16 to 10.

Christopher Tietjen, Wayne’s new Business Administrator hoped that the changes will continue to reduce the cost to the township. The residents will be duly notified about the changes with respect to collection zones, he added.

During the initial term of the contract, Gaeta will be paid $145,000 per month by the township. There is a provision for extension of the contract two subsequent terms until 2025. The total value of the contract is $4.7 million.