The Recycling Partnership Launches New Dynamic Labelling Platform

SEATTLE (Recycling Monster): The Recycling partnership announced launch of a new dynamic package-specific labelling platform. The newly introduced Recycle Check platform provides up-to-date recycling information and assistance to U.S. consumers.

The platform allows users to enter zip code or allow location permissions to receive a clear answer on whether a particular item can be recycled in that area. In addition to providing recycling assistance to residents, it also enables consumer brands to save labelling charges and understand the complexities of the labelling landscape.

The new platform is powered by National Recycling Database- the centralized repository of latest recycling data from more than 9,000 U.S. community programs that covers over 97% of the country’s total population. It connects local information with brand and package-specific details. Furthermore, the new platform is designed to complement existing labelling systems.

The platform is designed for all residential recyclables such as paper, plastics, metals, and glass. It delivers up-to-date, community-specific information, thus making it an effective solution for packages that are accepted in some but not all curbside programs across the country. It aims to eliminate the confusion about what and how to recycle.