Holiday recycling tips

LAKE CHARLES, La. (KPLC) - The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality has released some tips for planning and being environmentally friendly during the holidays.

When preparing for the holidays, they ask residents to think green by reducing, reusing, and recycling.

Instead of using wrapping paper, gifts can be wrapped in creative ways such as with a scarf, bandana, dishtowel, or cloth shopping bag.

For outgrown toys and clothing, consider donating them to charitable organizations.

Discarded electronics like laptops, old CPUs, copiers, fax machines, printers, and flat-screen monitors can be donated to local nonprofit agencies.

In your home, you can reuse artificial trees. But for cut trees, remember that it cannot be flocked or have tinsel or decorations on it if you choose to recycle it. Cut trees are usually collected in early January and are ground up into compost or mulch.

If possible, use LED Christmas lights which will last longer, save energy and money, and can be recycled. You can visit to find out more about their LED light recycling program.

Cardboard can be put into a recycle bin or taken to drop off locations.

Foam peanuts and bubble wrap can be reused for gifts next year or for packages you plan to send later.

Whenever possible, try to buy rechargeable batteries for toys, cameras, and gadgets. When those batteries can no longer hold a charge you can call the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation at 800-228-8379, or go to their website for more information on the nearest battery recycling drop off location.

The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality hopes that you have a safe holiday season and remember to never burn wrapping paper or Christmas trees in the fireplace.

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