ADEQ Announced Recycling Grant Program

SEATTLE (Recycling Monster): The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) has announced the return of its Recycling Grant Program. The program offers over $1 million in funding to support and promote various recycling initiatives across the state of Arizona.


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Karen Peters, Cabinet Executive Officer, ADEQ noted that the Program is not just about offering grants. It will help several Arizona communities, especially those in rural areas, who face barriers to recycling programs. The grant aims to ensure that every community has easy access to tools and technology so as to ensure a sustainable future.

The $1 million funding will be awarded in three main categories: Waste Reduction Assistance (WRA)-which mainly funds curbside recycling and household hazardous waste collection programs, Waste Reduction Initiative Through Education (WRITE) - which funds education efforts, recycling campaigns and outreach programs to ensure increased participation and Recycling Research & Development (RR&D) - towards delivering improved tools and technologies to help divert waste from landfills.

The return of the programs presents a unique opportunity for governments, local non-profits and private enterprises to boost their recycling efforts, thus helping communities to have a better environment to live.
