New Technology Poised to Bolster Michigan Residential Recycling

SEATTLE (Recycling Monster): The Bay City, Michigan households will have a clear understanding of accurate sorting of recyclables, thanks to a new technology.

The six-month pilot program starting this month would make use of latest technological advancements including high-tech cameras, artificial intelligence, global positioning, and computer-equipped city recycling trucks to have a thorough check on the contents of curbside recycling bins. The project is being implemented in collaboration with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), the Recycling Partnership and Saskatchewan-based Prairie Robotics.


City of Portsmouth to Implement Trash, Recycling Changes

City of Covington Announced Recycling Program Expansion

The city had distributed as many as 15,000 new 96-gallon carts to households a year ago, which has boosted its recycling collection capacity to around 350 pounds per year per household.

According to James Blake, Environmental Services Manager, Bay City, the new carts have significantly increased the number of residents participating in the program. The educational pilot project is the next logical step to avoid placement of wrong items in the recycling cart. The presence of wrong items will damage sorting equipment, impact the quality of recyclables and even cause injury to workers at the recycling facility.
