Broward County Ponders New Recycling Solutions

SEATTLE (Recycling Monster): Broward County houses the Waste Management (WM)-owned The Reuters Recycling Center- the largest recycling center in the southeastern U.S. and one of the largest trash processing plants in the entire country. It is to this facility that south Florida sends majority of its recyclables for processing. Incidentally, the facility has capacity to process up to 50 tons of recyclables per hour.

However, the facility operators say it is being contaminated with trash, which are not supposed to be part of recyclables. This often slows the functioning of the recycling center. As a result, WM announced plans for setting up new facilities. Alongside, the city and municipality leaders have started working on new solutions, which could ensure green future for Broward County and its residents.

As per sources, both Waste Management officials and Broward County commissioners are working hand in hand to find a sustainable solution to fix the problem. Beam Furr, Commissioner, Broward County noted that there is a more urgent need to recycle more as the Pompano Beach landfill is reportedly running out of space. Despite challenges, the efforts are on to promote recycling, he noted.


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