90/10 Brass Scrap Price

United States

$ 1.66 USD/LB
1.66 (0%)

Current Year Price Overview

High Low Average
2 USD/LB 0.95 USD/LB 1.66 USD/LB

Latest 90/10 Brass Scrap Price in the USA

Location Price Change High Low Unit Updated
Kelford, North Carolina 1.5 0 1.5 1.5 USD/LB 4/20/2023
Elizabeth City, North Carolina 0.95 0 0.95 0.95 USD/LB 4/20/2023
Norfolk, Virginia 2 0 2 2 USD/LB 4/20/2023
Portsmouth, Virginia 2 0 2 2 USD/LB 4/20/2023
Vanceboro, North Carolina 1.5 0 1.5 1.5 USD/LB 4/20/2023
Virginia Beach, Virginia 2 0 2 2 USD/LB 4/20/2023

About 90/10 Brass Scrap

What Are Xmas Lights Scrap?

Xmas Lights or Christmas Lights are those strands of electric lights that are used to decorate trees, houses or commercial buildings during Christmas season. Even if stored carefully, chances are quite high that a few bulbs turn defective the following year. The defective bulbs, which are replaced with new ones, are worth due to the copper and brass content in them. Don’t throw it away, folks!

Xmas Lights Scrap Price

A listing of Xmas Lights export prices in different regions across the world is provided below.


Where can you sell Xmas Lights scrap?

Scrap yards have different rules for accepting scrap Christmas Lights. There might be a few scrap yards that may take them in whatever condition they are. But most of the yards insist that the bulb and the plastic housing from wire be removed before being brought to the yard.


Having large quantities of Xmas Lights Scrap?

Xmas Lights with bulbs on would be paid less by scrap yards. So it is better to cut them off. Also, the Christmas Lights wire carries lower value when compared with other insulated wire.